Corporate Social Responsibility
Helping rural communities for their livelihood by ensuring access to market and providing basic facilities for development and processing of rural produce. Activities undertaken include income promoting and generating farm and non-farm activities like distribution of seeds, fish farming, processing and distribution e.g., tomato ketchup, sale of fruits and cereals, etc.
Ensuring long term access to clean renewable energy sources for the communities by providing decentralized Solar rooftop power and solar water heating for schools, community halls, healthcare centre, water pumps, etc and solar power packs for tribal households with no or restricted supply of electricity.
Building eco-friendly infrastructure like recharge wells, rainwater harvesting, contour bunds, gabion bunds, and farm ponds for ensuring clean water supply throughout the year to ensure reliable availability of optimum quality and quantity of water for health, livelihoods and crop production in the rural and tribal villages across Maharashtra
Extensive work on sanitation, preventive healthcare services and regular health camps, donating medical infrastructure to primary health centres. Activities are aimed at eradication of hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive health care and sanitation and overall improvement in the functionality of the rural health care system.
Boosting the self-esteem of women by bringing them into the centre of all developmental activities and easing their drudgery from both home and farm related activities and providing basic education and financial skills, distributing smokeless chullas, roti making, ensuring water availability and women education camps.
Strengthening the roots by ensuring the availability of basic education for all children. Organising literacy camps, providing infrastructure for schools, Interventions aimed at promoting education for children, especially for the girl child. Camps for uneducated elders for basic reading and writing skills including financial.